Monday, April 13, 2020


A pool is an aesthetic addition to any home in Sydney or any home in Australia, but since they can be a site for frequent accidents, laws say that it has to be fenced. 

Different kinds of fences are there and the most aesthetic of them all is the glass fences Sydney and laws say that whatever kind of fence you pick; you need to follow very important rules and laws. 

Once you follow the rules and laws, you will get the opportunity to use top notch glass fences Sydney. 

However, there are some very important specifications related to glass fence installations to follow and some factors that we will be discussing here in this post.

Meet Australian Standards -

  • As mentioned in the beginning, if you are not following Australian laws and rules/regulations related to glass fences installation, the installation would continually disqualified by the local administration.
  • This means that in top-notch glass fences in Sydney, you use glass fences that are designed to pass Australian standards and compliance related laws.
  • Such glass panes are ideal for glass fences, as they pass a series of quality checks. 
  • Moreover, they are manufactured using the latest technology and because of this, they come with the guarantee of the durability of your installation.

Glass Panel Thickness -

  • The glass panes used in these glass fences in Sydney come in different width sizes and depending upon the usage, you can pick panes ranging from 6 mm to 18mm.
  • In a majority of installations, they use glass of 6 to 12 mm, but in some customised glass fences Sydney, glass panes of 18 mm are also seen.
  • Pool installation experts recommend installing panels thicker than 8mm because it’s likely that thinner glass won’t be able to stand against strong winds and substantial impact.

Width and Height -

  • As far as width and height is concerned, experts recommend height of 1200mm, but anything beyond this height is more than welcome. 
  • If you opt for semi-frameless panels, for example, you can expect widths ranging from around 1600mm to 1800mm. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Every year, we see glass based pool fences getting more and more popular and among both the options, there is a kind of competition going on in terms of popularity. 

There are numerous factors helping in the popularity and you can read two factors that make semi frameless pool fencing Sydney so popular here. 
But there are other factors too involved as reasons or causes behind these two options being the most preferred choice. 

Here in this post, we will have a deeper look at both the solutions and some unique features that they come with.

Frameless Glass Fencing

  • The most popular, the most versatile, the most classic and at the same time, the most expensive version is the frameless glass fencing, where as per the name, no frame whatsoever is used.
semi frameless pool fencing

  • At the first glance, the glass panes would appear as floating in the air, but upon close observation, you will see that these panes are actually secured with the help of spigots that are fitted firmly in the ground.
  • In a majority of cases, you will find these spigots made up of stainless steel; therefore, they are totally rust-proof, durable as well as stylish.
  • This version is a great choice when it comes to gaining a clear, unobstructed view of your swimming pool (from the outside) and other surrounding areas.

Semi-Frameless Pool Fencing Sydney

  • This frame is around the glass panes that are connected to the poles that are firmly established in the ground.
  • An interesting thing is that it is not as popular as the version discussed above, but certainly, the most popular after the frameless one. 
  • The reason is that this version has a very modern, stylish look, and they are often cheaper than frameless ones.