Friday, May 6, 2022

Swimming Pool Fencing Or Cover – What Is A Better Choice?

Swimming pools have to be a really safe place according to federal laws and it’s up to the homeowner as to what method he opts to make the poolside area safer. 

This could be done effectively using swimming pool fencing as well as swimming pool covers and both of them are highly useful in this. But some people are confused as to which option should they go with and experts say that it is easy because you will only have to weigh the pros and cons of both. 

This is what we have tried to do here in this blog post and we will start with the law related requirements. 


Mostly insurance agencies as well as the federal law make it clear that this poolside area should be secure and some of them are very particular and advocate pool fences Sydney. So, if your insurance company has one such term, I would recommend you to be on the safer side and opt to fence your swimming pool. 


There is a huge difference in the kind of protection offered by these fences and pool covers. These covers can successfully prevent tree debris from falling in the water and eventually sinking to the bottom. They can also keep lightweight animals away from the pool, but they are not as versatile as the swimming pool fencing. These fences are strong and robust enough to stop larger creatures and people from entering the area.

Here you have to understand one thing that a regular tarp won’t hold heavy objects above water, but with a more durable pool cover, you will be able to support more than 450 pounds. 


Covers are known to have a life of around a decade, but their electric motor might fail and call for replacement. On the other hand, there are pool fences Sydney that can go up to two decades and with proper and timely maintenance, ever more than what is claimed by the installation team.

People may know also: Top Steps To Clean Your Frameless Glass Pool Fencing Sydney