Monday, September 9, 2024

Tips To Save On Glass Fencing And Glass Gates Installations

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Poolside safety is the priority of homeowners having a swimming pool in their home. They don't want to damage the overall aesthetics, and this is why they rely on glass pool fencing and glass gates. Both these installations become an essential safety measure that can assure complete protection around the poolside. The problem is that both have a hefty price tag that often demotivates homeowners about getting glass fencing installation done. However, some valuable tips and techniques must be followed while making decisions and saving money without compromising safety, quality, or looks. This post explores some essential tips and tricks to help you save money on glass fences and glass gates.


It is recommended that you research various companies offering pool fence installation services and compare their quotations. This will give you an all-inclusive overview of cost variation, and you will easily understand which company offers the most remarkable services at the lowest possible cost. At the same time, you must ensure that they don't compromise on quality to offer their services at lower prices.


While discussing your requirements with shortlisted glass pool fencing installation companies, don't hesitate to use negotiation techniques on the cost of glass gates as well as glass fence panels. You can secure a more favourable deal by using negotiation techniques while discussing the project with shortlisted service providers.


Experts recommend researching raw material service providers to find the one that offers the highest grade raw materials at the lowest price without compromising on quality. The service provider should be budget-friendly, and you can trim down your expenditures further by choosing discounted glass options. Remember, traditional glass fence panels and glass gates can be costly, but their discounted alternatives can fall within your budget very easily. These discounted glass fence panels have minor or microscopic imperfections that are not visible to the naked eye. They still provide the necessary safety and overall aesthetics to the poolside area, and you must also ensure that safety is not compromised.


When looking for installation contractors, make sure that you take the following steps:

  • Research deeply about local contractors and read their reviews
  • Look for contractors specialising in installing glass fence panels and glass gates
  • They must have positive reviews from previous customers regarding their reliability and affordability
  • Don't forget to get multiple quotes to compare prices and choose the most cost-effective option
  • Expenditure can be controlled by choosing smaller and local contractors as they have lower overhead costs.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Safety Benefits Of Frameless Glass Fences in Residential Properties

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Safety is always the top priority for parents and homeowners who have a swimming pool on their property. We all know that kids love playing around the poolside area, as it is often a little bit cooler than usual and more appealing. But at the same time, the area is risky, and the risk of falling in the pool or drowning is always there. These risks can be eliminated with swimming pool fencing, and the best option is frameless glass fences. Family members can be at peace with this fencing that restricts kids from accessing the dangerous zone. These fences have several safety benefits, and we have covered some here.


Swimming pool fencing can be made of different materials, such as wood, glass, steel, and even mesh. All of them are prone to damage except glass pool fencing or frameless glass fences. They are incredibly durable and add another layer of security around the poolside. High-grade tempered glass is used to make them completely rust and rot-proof.


A very impressive safety feature of frameless pool fencing is that it is completely climb-resistant compared to other fences make it very easy to climb over the fence. Kids climbing over the fence to access the pool water can be a significant safety breach, but you can prevent this from happening with frameless glass fences. Since no traction is available and laws also force people to maintain a non-climbable zone, these fences become a perfect safety addition to your pool.


Compared to other fences made from timber, PVC, steel, and other materials, glass fencing is a better option as it allows complete visibility. In other words, you can keep a better eye on the activities around the poolside, as the glass panels used in frameless glass fences are completely transparent. Not only this, but you will also experience a more spacious area with full transparency of these glass fence panels. Your kids will be more secure and safer with this fencing installed around your swimming pool.


Both options have unique advantages and drawbacks and hence, it all boils down to your personal preferences and budget. For example, if you want a more modern look for your property, you can choose the frameless version, but if you have a limited budget, you can go with framed fencing that is as durable as the former. In both cases, you will experience the property’s value increasing significantly. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Helpful Tips to Clean Frameless Glass Pool Fencing Perfectly

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There is no doubt that frameless glass pool fencing adds to the overall aesthetics and looks of the poolside area. Maintaining the looks is possible only when the fencing is well-maintained, perfectly clean, and dirt-free. This means you must deliver regular cleaning and not ignore regular maintenance. Some very easy-to-follow cleaning techniques and maintenance tips are provided by installation teams. They guarantee that your pool fencing will remain pristine and durable for a long time.


Proper cleaning techniques are essential for the looks and appearance of any pool fencing. This will ensure that the dirt and grime are removed on time and there is no build-up of dust or any other harmful substance on the pool fencing.

Cleaning frameless glass pool fencing begins with rinsing the surface with water to remove the loose debris. This is followed by applying a very mild, non-abrasive cleaner designed for glass surfaces. An alternative to this is the mild dishwashing gel, along with a soft sponge to scrub the frameless glass pool fencing thoroughly. Corners and edges need more attention, and once cleaned, you can rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any form or residue.

Vendors of pool fencing recommend avoiding abrasive materials or harsh chemicals while cleaning pool fencing solutions as they can damage the glass. The protective coating or the shine will get compromised with these cleaning solutions that have harsh chemicals in them. Similarly pressure washers and power sprayers should be avoided, as they can crack or fracture the glass.


Neglecting cleaning for a long time means allowing stains to settle there and become stubborn. They can also be removed using gentle yet effective methods that don't damage the glass at all. One technique is using a cleaning solution that has equal parts of water and vinegar. You can spray this mixture on stubborn stains and let them settle for a few minutes. Then, a soft sponge used gently on those stains will remove them.


You can keep the following pointers in mind to prevent scratches and damage on your pool fencing.

  • Avoid using abrasive cleaners or materials as they can scratch the glass surface.
  • Take care to avoid placing sharp or heavy objects near the fence.
  • Inspect the fence regularly for any signs of damages
  • Identify any potential issues, such as chips, cracks, or loose fittings

Monday, April 8, 2024

How to Select a Glass Pool Fencing For Your Swimming Pool?

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With so many options present in the markets, it becomes very tough to select the best swimming pool fencing. This selection process will simplify somewhat if the pool owner has decided to get glass pool fencing as in that case, they will have to select between the frameless and semi-frameless pool fencing installation. This also requires some careful consideration of crucial factors before choosing any option. We have covered some top factors related to selecting glass pool fences here in this post.


Vendors of semi-frameless and frameless glass fences will offer a wide assortment of options in terms of glass pool fences. It is important to not get carried away and stick to what you exactly require for your swimming pool. The selection process will be easy if you have a clear idea of what you want from your swimming pool fencing.


The material used in frameless glass pool fencing Sydney will influence the looks significantly, and this is why you need to be very particular about the pool fencing material. For example – if you want something more modern and cleaner, you should prefer clear glass panels. Similarly, if you have a traditional look, you can go with frameless glass fences that have opaque white panels and black trimmings around the edges.


Vendors of frameless glass fences in Sydney recommend understanding the cost of the available options before any decision. The prices fluctuate a lot and could be anywhere between some hundred dollars to thousands as well. For people having a large backyard, vendors recommend taking advantage of the available space and make it more durable, secure and safer. It is always advocated to not compromise on quality to save some money.


Considering the durability of semi-frameless and frameless glass fences is essential. This durability comes from the width of the glass, and this is why vendors use 12 mm thick glass for residential swimming pools and 18 mm thick, robust glass for commercial swimming pools. Additional strength is guaranteed with the tempered or toughened feature of the glass panels used in frameless glass fences. Then, stainless steel poles, frames and spigots used in these glass pool fences are the additional sources of strength, durability and long life.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Useful Tricks to Keep Your Frameless Glass Fences Clean

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The absolute satisfaction of installing semi-frameless or frameless pool fences is achieved only when the glass panes are shining, clear, and glare-free. The main reason behind people opting for glass fences is transparency. It can be achieved only by keeping the fence clean. This involves some fundamental steps, which we have covered here in this post.


Semi-frameless and frameless glass pool fencing vendors recommend avoiding ammonia-based or harsh chemical-based glass cleaners. Yes, they are certainly better and perform decently, but they are highly toxic and unnecessary for cleaning. Alternatively, You can use a mixture of white vinegar and distilled water to spray on the frameless glass fences and the entire area. Vinegar is safe for your skin and your children and pets.


Here also, white vinegar will perform fantastically as it is the enemy of streaks. Tap water is the main reason behind these streaks, as various minerals are present. The spray of diluted vinegar and distilled water will be handy in removing these streaks. The process involves the following steps –

  • Mixing two parts warm water and one part vinegar in a spray bottle

  • Spray the mixture directly on the frameless glass fences

  • Wipe dry with a clean cotton cloth

  • Newspaper is also a beneficial solution in this process

  • Avoid using colored pages and stick to black-and-white newspapers

  • If possible, wear gloves, and if too much spray is there, try removing it with a squeegee first

  • Avoid using paper kitchen towels, as they can also leave streaks on the glass


Ignoring the cleaning part for a long time will make you witness stubborn dirt on frameless glass fencing. The stubborn dirt can be removed by using a mixture of vinegar and warm water. The process is somewhat different, as you must warm this mixture on a stove. Once the mixture is hot, you can dip a clean cotton cloth to wipe away stubborn marks. Now, you can leave the area as it is for 5 minutes and then hose off with running water. Then, spraying and wiping, as discussed above, is used for a sparkling finish.

In some cases, deeper cleaning is required, and you can again use the mixture and rinse it with water after rubbing the marks thoroughly. All these tricks will keep your semi-frameless and frameless glass fences shining like new and free from streaks.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Different Benefits that Families Avail from Swimming Pool Fencing


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Summertime is a fun time for kids, and the poolside area or the backyard where your swimming pool is located can be the best place to have some fun. It could be the safest and the riskiest place for kids. It is safest because your kids will have all the fun right inside the property and riskiest because your swimming pool is there, and it's a combination of depth, water and other risks. In this situation, high-quality swimming pool fencing can be very useful in preventing accidents and keeping your kids and loved ones safe. Not just this, they also play a prominent role in enhancing the property's overall aesthetics and making the area look more spacious. There are several benefits of getting pool fencing done, and we discussed some here in this writing.


Safety benefits are the most talked about, and rightly so, because this is the main reason behind people going for pool fence installations.

Your glass fence for the pool will be very useful in preventing injuries and accidents caused around the swimming pool area by becoming a barrier. This barrier will prevent kids and pets from accessing the dangerous area around the pool or falling in the pool accidentally. There are some additional safety features as well, like glass gates, safety latching, and soon.


Despite being glass pool fences, you will find them immensely helpful in keeping your property and activities completely private. Glass pool fences come with different textures like blurred glass, frosted glass, and much more to enhance your privacy around the swimming pool area. In other words, with this swimming pool fencing, you can enjoy your day out sunbathing with your family.


You can be at peace with swimming pool fencing as an assurance would be there that your kids will remain completely safe. A glass fence for the pool allows you a completely unobstructed view of the activities around the swimming pool area. This means you will have adequate time to react to any unpleasant situation while keeping an eye on your kids and pets all the time.


Swimming pool fencing plays a prominent role in improving the overall aesthetics of your swimming pool area. Particularly, your glass pool for the fence will be a significant role player in enhancing the looks of your swimming pool area while making it safer and more private. The pool fence contractor will customize the fence to match your needs precisely. You must choose a swimming pool contractor who is completely licenced and insured.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Safety Features of Glass Fences and Glass Gates

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For parents and families, the kids' safety is the top priority. This safety concern becomes more prominent when kids start loving the poolside area and make it their favourite playing spot. The poolside area is always risky due to the presence of depth, water, slippery surfaces and lack of swimming skills. Swimming pool fences accompanied by glass gates can be very effective, not just in terms of safety but also in adding elegance and overall aesthetics to your property. This glass pool fencing and glass gates are helpful from the safety point of view in several ways, and we have discussed some here in this write-up.


Swimming pool fencing made from glass and glass gates is highly durable compared to those made from other materials like wood, metal or even mesh. Wood wears down with time, and mesh can be used to climb up the fence. However, the glass fence for the pool will be completely immune from these two issues and add a layer of safety around your swimming pool. The high-quality toughened glass installed in these glass gates is completely resistant to problems like rusting, rotting, etc., and hence, considered more durable and valuable from a safety point of view.


Another safety feature of these glass fences is that they don't allow anyone to climb over and cross the safety barrier. This way, they become more valuable for safety, unlike mesh or wooden fences that are extremely easy to climb. The glass used in these glass gates is slippery and has no traction.


Another awe-inspiring safety feature of glass gates and the glass fence for pools is that they are completely transparent and allow a complete view of the surrounding areas. In other words, you can constantly monitor the activities around the swimming pool area and respond to any emergency in no time. Again, this incredible safety feature can never go ignored when choosing the best swimming pool fencing.


The glass gates and glass fences are available in various designs, and the option of customisation is always open. This means regardless of the shape of your swimming pool, experts will install the glass fence and gates to make it completely secure.


Compared to wooden or metal fencing options, glass fences for pools and glass gates are much better, as they don't require any maintenance. Simply wiping down or rinsing using a garden hose will bring the new fence in front of you. This way, these swimming pool fences benefit property owners looking for low-maintenance fencing options.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

A Quick Comparison Between Aluminium and Glass Fencing In Sydney

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Having a swimming pool inside the property is like having a slice of heaven in your backyard. You can enjoy the poolside area, your kids can use it to play with pets, and ladies can have fun poolside parties and get together with family, friends, and relatives. Australian laws say that the swimming pool area of your property should be safeguarded using high-quality swimming pool fencing. ‘High-quality swimming pool fencing’ mainly means either aluminium pool fencing or glass fencing in Sydney. Let us get a detailed rundown of both these options to come to a conclusion regarding the best pool fences.


The similar factor between these pool fences is that they make the area look special, unique and more spacious. Your choice would depend on several factors like durability, style, budget, etc.


There are several glass pool fence ideas, and this fencing offers a less intrusive and more minimalistic style. Installation experts recommend using glass panels that are 12 millimetres thick and comply with all Australian standards for pool safety. Glass fencing Sydney is available in three types.


In this version, the glass panels are entirely framed by powder-coated aluminium beams, available in several colours to match your property’s decor.


Semi-frameless pool fences come with aluminium horizontal posts between the glass panels, and experts recommend 8-12 mm toughened glass for residential swimming pools. For commercial swimming pools, they can use up to 18 mm tempered glasses as the foot traffic is higher there.


This version offers the most elegant looks as the glass panels are fixed straight into the spigots or channels fixed on the ground. There are no posts or frames, and this makes for an elegant, clean design.


Adds elegance and style

Easy to clean and maintain

Acts as a wind barrier

Allows sunlight to pass through

Completely weather-proof

Very low climbability


Aluminium fencing is the best choice for Australian properties regarding versatility and stability. Aluminium pool fencing is easy to install and fits around your pool quickly, regardless of shape and size. Due to the powder-coating, aluminium pool fences are completely resistant to wear and tear caused by excessive moisture and weather conditions. They will match your property’s style and decor precisely and offer a stylish look for the outdoor area.


Low maintenance



Ability to colour coat

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Frameless Glass Fencing: A Modern Solution to Make a Safer Poolside

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No installation can be as enchanting and beautiful as the frameless glass fencing in Sydney-based residential and commercial properties. They are now mandatory as per Australian laws, as they guarantee complete safety and security of the poolside area. Experts recommend frameless glass fencing in Sydney above other materials used in pool fencing installations. They improve safety and elevate the overall aesthetics and appearance of the poolside area. The vendors manufacture different pool fencing installations, and we look at some top products and their features.


Frameless glass pool fences are an unobtrusive barrier to offer complete safety around pools and spas. These fences are manufactured using 12m wide, high-quality, toughened glass for absolute robustness and security. These installations are more durable, safer and stylish than other pool fencing materials such as timber, mesh or wire. The best part is that these pool fences are custom-made, and depending on your pool fence ideas and shape, the manufacturers can customise the installations very economically.


Semi-frameless glass fencing Sydney is just one step below frameless glass fencing in terms of looks and overall aesthetics. They come with additional hardware that complements the overall structure and enhances the looks and durability multiple times. Rails and clips are used between the panels on the top and bottom of the pool fences to improve the overall architecture and make these installations more durable. Just like the frameless glass pool fences, the team can customise the hardware and the glass and match the shape and size of the swimming pool based on your pool fence ideas. You must choose between the standard chrome look or a powder-coated colour finish that matches your property's overall aesthetics.


Manufacturers of frameless glass fencing in Sydney also offer glass railing systems for contemporary designed museums, corporate offices and even residential properties. These railing systems open up the outdoor environment and give the look of a multi-level beach house. They are used the most in rooftops, patios and public viewing decks. They also work around staircases, balconies, terraces, etc., where they allow maximum views without compromising on safety or visibility.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

How Does Frameless Glass Fencing Enhance Your Pool Landscape?

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People use a swimming pool to make it more luxurious, and with some landscaping around the pool, it suddenly becomes the most visited part of your property. A mandatory installation around the swimming pool is pool fencing, and with frameless glass fencing in Sydney, the poolside area gets the most stunning looks. These looks can be enhanced further by installing some lights and fountains, plants and other accessories to give the poolside area a resort kind of look. Here are some reasons your poolside landscape will look stunning with frameless glass fencing in Sydney.


Undoubtedly, glass is more attractive than other materials like steel, aluminium or wood. The looks of the area enhance incredibly with frameless glass fencing Sydney, and at the same time, it ensures that safety is not compromised.


So many pool fence ideas are given by pool installers, but still, people prefer frameless glass fencing in Sydney for their own reasons. One is that regardless of where you sit, you will have a complete view of the poolside area and the activities happening there. This means that you can respond immediately and prevent a big accident in any unpleasant situation.


With frameless glass fencing in Sydney, you can customise the pool fences to your choice. You can get it custom designed and built to enhance and compliment your property’s looks without compromising on safety. There are stylish pool gates, spigots, hinges, etc., to give your poolside a sophisticated and elegant look.


With frameless glass fences in Sydney, your property makes an unmatched bold statement that is beyond comparison to any other pool fence ideas. The frameless glass fencing installation will showcase your assets and make the poolside area classy and beautiful without too much investment.


Some pool owners still doubt the strength of frameless glass fencing in Sydney. They should update their knowledge about the same as this pool fence is entirely safe as the glass does not impede super visioning ability. Also, the 12-millimetre toughened glass ensures that the pool fence is capable of withstanding the most vigorous blows from nature and humans.

Lastly, let’s not forget that this is the current trend, and it will enhance your property’s resale value multiple times if installed well.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Common Questions and Answers Related To Frameless Glass Fences

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Upgrading the pool fencing is an opportunity for every pool owner to replace the existing fencing using high-quality frameless glass fences in Sydney. They can enhance the overall appearance, aesthetic and space around the poolside area. The first-time users of these fences are confused, and they have numerous questions in their minds. We review some of the top ones that homeowners ask and their answers and solutions in this post.


Installing swimming pool fencing Sydney is complicated, and the complexities augment further when glass panes are engaged. It is always advised to seek services from installation professionals regarding swimming pool fencing installation in Sydney. Yes, there are guidelines and DIY guides that DIY enthusiasts can use to install the fencing. But the process is back-breaking, complex and time-consuming, and to achieve perfection, you should rely upon local installation experts.


If you are keen towards the DIY installation of your glass swimming pool fencing, it is important to plan the process and set out adequate time for installation. The process is going to be tiring and time-consuming, and hence, it is important that the required tools are all available readily and you have a good amount of knowledge of how to install these frameless glass fences.


The cost varies due to numerous factors and the kind of hardware you use. The pool size will also influence the price, followed by the number of gates. Generally, you can expect to pay between $250 and $300 per linear metre for high-end frameless glass fences Sydney.


There are certain laws and regulations to follow regardless of what material you use in your swimming pool fences. It is important that the fencing passes the Australian standards and has the confirmatory mark of Australian standards. The glass panels are 1200 mm high minimum, and depending on your choice, the team can use glass fences of a width of 12 millimetres.


Based on your choice, the installation team will use glass panels of a width of 12 mm or more. For commercial pools, they use 18-millimetre toughened glass that can pass stringent quality performance and material testing. They ensure that the glass used in the process carries the Australian standard marks.

Friday, June 9, 2023

How Good Is Frameless Glass Fencing For Poolside Safety?

Pool safety has always been a huge concern not just for homeowners but for the federal government as well. This is why there are federal laws to address this concern, and a significant law says that you must have your pool fenced for safety purposes. There are no guidelines regarding the kind of fencing, and this gives homeowners the liberty to make the poolside area sleek, inviting, aesthetically pleasing, and charming without compromising on safety. They do this with the help of frameless glass fencing made from 12 to 18 mm toughened safety glass panels that keep your poolside safer without spoiling the views.


These fences are made from toughened or tempered glass specially treated to resist shuttering and cracking even in the harshest conditions. Depending on the area where your pool is situated, they will determine whether to use 12-millimeter glass panels or go with 18 mm glass panels. For commercial pools, 18 mm is the ideal choice, and the glass edges are polished, and corners are tipped for a smooth touch.

These panels are stationed with the help of metal spigots, available in different finishes like polished, satin, or even matt black. These spigots are fixed firmly into the ground and bolted safely for firmness and robustness. Glass panels are fitted in these spigots to give your poolside cheap glass fencing Sydney to safeguard people and particularly, kids.


As mentioned above, there are specific laws and guidelines to follow regarding frameless glass fencing installation. Let us quickly go through the major rules in this segment.

A pool fence must:

  • Be at least 1.2m high 

  • No gap at the bottom bigger than 10cm from the ground

  • The barrier must be 1.8m high

  • No gaps of more than 10cm between vertical bars

  • Horizontal climbable bars should be at least 90cm apart

  • The pool fence must be well-maintained and in good working order

You also have the facility to get your frameless glass fences customised to your choice. The only stipulation is that the guidelines set by the government are not breached at all.

What Are The Benefits Of Frameless Glass Fencing?

Frameless glass fencing in Sydney installed comes with several benefits. Firstly you enjoy uninterrupted views as the fence is made from clear glass panels. Secondly, you get an open and spacious feel upon entering the poolside area.